The University undertakes to make satisfactory arrangement for the admission, candidature, supervision and examination of candidates. This code of practice sets out guidelines for candidature for MPhil/PhD degrees in either the University or the Accredited Colleges. It is intended to amplify and complement the Regulations 1 and provide a framework for all supervisory relationships. It is supplemented by faculty/academic department 2 or College guidelines which are consistent with this code of practice but specify more detailed procedures operating at local level.
The code is intended to promote good practice in research candidature and supervision and ensure a degree of comparability in the student experience. It is essential that a good working relationship is established between the supervisor and the student and that responsibilities on both sides are clearly defined and understood.
The MPhil and PhD are higher degrees involving a programme of research training and supervision, and leading either to the production of a thesis or, in the case of candidates in Music or in Art and Design3, the production of an original work or recital together with additional material, as specified in Regulation 22, Regulations for the Degrees of Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy above.
The Thesis
The thesis, or equivalent submission for Music and Art and Design (see Regulation 22 cited above), which is the outcome of the research project and the training programme, must be composed clearly and presented in the required format (see section 16 below, and Regulation 22 above). The subject should be dealt with in an orderly manner, using appropriate research methods and techniques and displaying critical discrimination in evaluating evidence.
For the award of PhD, candidates must have demonstrated 4:
The MPhil is an award of considerable distinction in its own right, and is awarded for the successful completion of a substantial element of research or equivalent enquiry. The MPhil differs from the PhD only in terms of depth of study required and the extent of the original personal contribution to knowledge.
More specifically, for the award of MPhil, candidates must have demonstrated:
Entry requirements
Applicants must demonstrate that they are capable of undertaking a sustained piece of research and producing a thesis. They should normally hold a good honours degree from a recognised UK or overseas University or the CNAA, but in exceptional circumstances applicants with other qualifications and appropriate experience may be accepted. Some candidates may be required to undertake a taught masters degree first.
English language proficiency
Students whose first language is not English will also be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English as defined by University Senate 5.
Two independent references must be received for all applicants.
Selection Procedures
Where possible, admissions decisions should involve the judgement of more than one member of staff with relevant expertise, and should always take into account the University's Equal Opportunities Policy.
Before recommending the acceptance of an applicant the academic department must satisfy itself that the proposed research programme:
Enrolment of Research Students
The entitlements and responsibilities of research students must be defined and communicated clearly to them in the formal offer letter, or in any other communication medium used by the faculty or department.
Student Information and Induction
Candidates should be provided with opportunities to enable them to commence their studies with an understanding of the academic and social environment within which they will be working.
Research training
Candidates must have access to a suitable programme of research training which supports their research, complies with any Research Council requirements and which helps them to prepare themselves for their subsequent career. There should also be access to relevant seminar programmes and learned conferences within and - where resources and opportunities permit - beyond the institution.
Ethical considerations
Both supervisors and students should observe due ethical standards in the design, conduct and reporting of the research. Ethical considerations must be addressed in experiments involving either human subjects or animals. Academic departments/colleges should establish a formal channel to consider and determine any such ethical issues.
Initial candidature
All candidates should be registered for an MPhil in the first instance with the possibility of transfer to PhD (see below). Transfer to PhD candidature can occur only where the student has made satisfactory progress and successfully completed the upgrading process described in paragraph 13.
Mode of Candidature
Candidature may be full or part-time. Part-time candidates will normally be expected to demonstrate that full-time study is not possible because of employment or other commitments. They should also satisfy the academic department/college that they can commit sufficient time to the project to sustain satisfactory progress.
Duration of candidature
The minimum periods of candidature, from the date of registration, are as follows:
MPhil: not less than twelve months full-time;
not less than twenty four months part-time;
PhD: not less than twenty four months full-time;
not less than thirty six months part-time;
In practice the period of candidature will usually be longer. The maximum duration of candidature is four years full-time and six years part-time.
Extension of candidature
The minimum and maximum periods of candidature should be strictly adhered to. Extensions of candidature beyond the maximum period of time will be granted only where there is good cause, and on specific application by the candidate, supported by the supervisor, before the candidature is due to expire.
Suspension of candidature
A Faculty or College Board may allow suspension of candidature, having considered a request from the student accompanied by a written justification and supported by the supervisor. The maximum period of suspension should be stipulated. Suspended students should not receive supervision nor have access to facilities.
Research assistants
A research assistant may also be registered, normally part-time, as a candidate for a research degree. Performance as an employee and progress as a student should be assessed and treated separately.
Research students are allocated a main supervisor or Director of Studies with a supervisory team. Where candidates are allocated only one supervisor, a postgraduate advisor or postgraduate tutor should also be appointed to provide additional support as necessary.
Where a candidate's project extends beyond the supervisor's expertise an additional supervisor should be appointed to provide the required specialist advice.
The supervisor
The supervisor, Director of Studies in a supervisory team, should normally be a full-time member of academic staff, or a member of academically-related or research staff approved for this purpose. Other members of academically related staff or an academic member of staff on probation (or senior member of honorary clinical staff in the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Biological Sciences) may be appointed to supervise in conjunction with a member of full-time academic staff who has appropriate experience of supervision. At least one member of any supervisory team must have prior experience of supervision which has led to successful PhD completion. Supervisors must be active researchers in the appropriate discipline; and should normally themselves have a PhD or equivalent substantial research experience, experience of publication, and expertise in the area of the student's research. Junior staff in formal candidature for a higher degree should not be appointed as supervisors.
Responsibilities of the supervisor
The responsibilities of the supervisor, or supervisory team, are as follows;
Absence of the supervisor
If the supervisor is absent for a substantial period, normally one month or more, the academic department/college should designate a temporary or permanent replacement and make appropriate handover arrangements.
Supervision tutorials
The supervisor and candidate should maintain regular tutorial contact. The frequency of tutorials will depend upon the stage and nature of the research project but should, in the case of full-time students, take place at least once per month. Both student and supervisor should have a clear, agreed understanding of the frequency and nature of contact required at any particular stage. In the first year, especially the first term, meetings should be more frequent. Overseas students may need more frequent meetings during the first year.
Change of supervisor
The academic department/college should establish a procedure whereby a change in supervisor may be made should circumstances warrant it.
The ultimate responsibility for the thesis lies with the student and it is therefore essential that s/he participates fully in planning the research project, considering advice and discussing the work with the supervisor or supervisory team. In particular the responsibilities of the student include:
Although much of the responsibility for ensuring that a student's research reaches a successful completion is shared between the student and the supervisor, the academic department has overall responsibility for the process. The academic department should satisfy itself that the appropriate requirements of the regulations and of this Code of Practice are met.
Research students may be asked to undertake teaching or demonstrating duties, after appropriate training. Academic departments should ensure that such activities, including preparation and marking, do not make excessive demands on the student's time and so detract from the research.
It may be appropriate for students to produce articles and papers for publication during candidature. This work should not take precedence over the writing of the thesis and supervisors should give advice about an appropriate balance.
It is the supervisor's responsibility to advise the student on the correct safety procedures, especially if the research project entails working with dangerous equipment and materials or is being carried out in a laboratory environment. It is the student's responsibility to abide by the institutional Safety Policy, to observe safe working practices at all times and to follow those procedures prescribed by the supervisor.
It is the supervisior's responsibility to ensure that the University's Equal Opportunities Policy is taken into account in all aspects of the candidate's experience as a research student.
Annual progress report
Each student and supervisor must submit a written report on progress each year, for formal consideration by the appropriate body (as specified by the Faculty or College), which should ensure that adequate progress is being made and identify and address any general issues arising. The report by the student should summarise progress made in that year and should be submitted with an assessment by the supervisor, including the likelihood of the student completing the thesis within the required time limit. Any particular problems encountered by the student eg access to resources or facilities, should be indicated, and appropriate action taken.
Unsatisfactory progress
It is the responsibility of the supervisor to inform the student of unsatisfactory progress as soon as this becomes apparent. If discussion between the student and the supervisor fail to resolve the issue the Faculty or College may issue a warning to the student, and recommend termination of course if no improvement is forthcoming.
All students are registered initially for the degree of MPhil and must apply to upgrade their candidature if they wish to submit for a PhD. This must occur at least six months before submission; in practice it often takes place during the second year of full-time candidature. Upgrade from MPhil to PhD should be recommended only after a formal review of the research topic, of its suitability for development into a PhD thesis and of the candidate's ability and progress. The procedure will vary according to the discipline but should involve the following practice and criteria.
Criteria for transfer
In order to be upgraded the following criteria must be met:
Supporting evidence
In order to make a judgement on these criteria, those making the recommendation must have reviewed a substantial body of written work equivalent to 2-3 draft thesis chapters. This should include material such as:
The recommendation
A recommendation must be made to the appropriate Faculty or College committee which is charged with responsibility for approving transfers of candidature from MPhil to PhD. The recommendation should be supported by the supervisor(s), advisor(s) and at least one other member of academic staff who has had no direct involvement in the research.
If the recommendation is not to allow transfer, the candidate must be given a clear written statement of the reasons, guidance regarding any ways in which s/he might reach the required standard, and a date when the recommendation might be reviewed.
Transfer from PhD to MPhil may be permitted at any time prior to the submission of the thesis.
Candidates may be allowed to transfer to nominal registration when the supervisor can confirm that the minimum period of candidature has been completed, supervision has ceased and that the thesis is being written up. Usually the supervisor will have seen the thesis in draft form at this stage and will be able to predict the likely completion date. A candidate may remain in nominal registration for up to one year initially at which point the position should be reviewed by the Faculty or College. A once-only fee is payable on transfer to nominal registration and the candidate will no longer be eligible for supervision or access to facilities. Time spent in nominal registration will count towards the total period of candidature.
The requirements for the production of the thesis for submission laid down in the booklet 'Completion of Research Degree of Candidature' should be followed. Attention is drawn to the following:
Decision to submit
The decision to submit the thesis must be the candidate's own. The candidate should take note of the supervisor's advice but this advice should not be taken as an indication that the final thesis will fulfil the requirements of the examiners. The supervisor may inform the Faculty/College office in writing if the candidate submits without his/her agreement; this information will not be made known to the examiners, but may be referred to in any subsequent discussions about the outcome of the examination, particularly where failure leads to an appeal.
Notification of intention to submit
Candidates must inform the appropriate Faculty/College Office of the intention to submit no later than two months prior to the date of submission in order to allow adequate time for examination arrangements to be made.
Maximum length of thesis
The maximum length of a thesis for PhD or MPhil candidature is 75,000 words (or equivalent in the case of non-text based submissions) including references and bibliography. Supporting factual information may be submitted for reference in addition to the thesis itself which will be available to the examiners and will form part of the record. Candidates who exceed the stipulated length will normally be required by the examiners to resubmit in a form which does not exceed the maximum length.
A student may present a statement to the supervisor indicating that the thesis cannot be contained within the stipulated length for reasons relating to the subject material. The supervisor may then recommend, before notice of submission, to the Faculty or College that a longer thesis be permitted.
Thesis written in a language other than English
A thesis may be written in a language other than English with the approval of the Research Support Sub-Committee. When considering such a recommendation the Sub-Committee will take into account the nature of the research and discipline; and will require assurances that there will be no problems in examining the thesis and that the subsequent published work will be accessible to subject specialists.
Declaration of Authorship
Theses at the time of submission should be accompanied by a signed delaration from the student that the material presented for examination is his/her own work and has not been submitted for any other award (and, where relevant, how it relates to a group project).
Plagiarism is defined in the University's General Regulations as 'the copying or paraphrasing, without acknowledgement, from public or private (ie unpublished) material attributable to, or which is the intellectual property of another, including the work of other students'.
Once a candidate has given notice of intention to submit, appropriate examiners must be appointed and arrangements made for the examination. The examination, including the oral, should be completed normally within three months of submission.
The candidate will be examined normally by an external and an internal examiner; in exceptional circumstances, one additional internal or external examiner may be appointed. Examiners, both internal and external, should have sufficient experience and appropriate subject expertise to be able to examine effectively. The supervisor may not be appointed an examiner.
External examiners
External examiners should normally hold academic posts in another higher education institution. Recommendations for examiners who do not hold such positions should be accompanied by a statement outlining their suitability and ability to examine and there should be sufficient evidence of their research experience and expertise in the subject.
External examiners should be independent and the criteria for appointing external examiners for taught courses should be followed. Former employees of the University are not eligible until an interval of at least three years has elapsed. The external should have had no formal academic contact with the candidate during the period of research candidature and, although reciprocity may be more difficult to avoid than for taught courses, examiners should not normally be appointed from academic departments where University members of staff have recently examined for the same subject if at all possible.
Staff in the University or the accredited colleges are ineligible to act as external examiners for University of Southampton awards. College/University staff with appropriate expertise may however be appointed as internal examiners for University candidates provided they have not been involved in the supervision of the candidate, and vice-versa.
Role of the supervisor in the examination process
It is the supervisor's responsibility to make the arrangements for the examination. The supervisor will attend the oral examination - unless the candidate has requested this not to happen - and will be expected to give advice and elucidation to the examiners at their request. The supervisor will not however be appointed an examiner nor take part in the judgement of the thesis under consideration.
The oral examination
The oral examination will be chaired by either the internal or external examiner, by agreement between them taking account of College or Faculty custom and practice. In response to a request from either examiner, however, the College/Faculty must appoint an independent chair who is a member of the College/Faculty Board but not an examiner.
Recommendations of Examiners
The external and internal examiners will prepare independent written reports on the thesis prior to the oral examination. After any oral examination a joint report will be prepared, including, where appropriate, an agreed recommendation. In cases where the examiners are unable to reach agreement, a further external examiner should be appointed to assess the thesis and the other examiners' reports.
The examiners' recommendations must take one of the following forms:
Consideration of examiners' recommendations
The reports of the examiners and their recommendations should be scrutinised and approved within the College/Faculty. The outcome of each examination should be formally reported to the Faculty Board or Academic Committee with delegated authority in this respect, and for College candidates, the resulting recommendations should be submitted to the Colleges Research Degrees Committee (CRDC).
Under the exceptional circumstances that the appointed examiners are unable to reach agreement, the examiners shall submit independent reports, and the appropriate College/Faculty Board shall recommend to the Research Support Sub-Committee the appointment of an additional external examiner. The additional examiner shall be provided by the Faculty Office with a copy of the thesis/dissertation and the separate reports of the two original examiners, and shall be permitted to interview the candidate before submitting a final report and recommendation to the Chair of the CRDC/Dean of the Faculty. The Chair/Dean shall consider all three reports before reporting to College/Faculty Board.
The results of research should be freely available. Theses are accessible in the University library, and through the British Library doctoral thesis scheme on a microfiche system. Research which is subject to security classification is not therefore appropriate for a higher degree, and theses may be subject to restriction only in exceptional circumstances when Senate agrees to restricted access for a period not exceeding three years from the date of examination.
During candidature
If, during the period of study, the student feels that the research project is not proceeding satisfactorily for reasons outside his/her control or that an effective working relationship with the supervisor is not being established or maintained, s/he should first consult the second supervisor, if one has been appointed, or advisor about the situation. If necessary a change of supervisor or recommendations to improve supervisory arrangements may be necessary. If discussions with supervisors or advisors do not improve matters candidates should take up the issue with the Head of the Department or Dean of Faculty.
Appeals procedures
Following any recommendation by the Board of Examiners not to award a degree, the student may appeal against this decision, using the agreed procedures for research degree appeals, which may be found in Section IV
2 Where the faculty/academic department role is taken by another body, eg Graduate School, College Committee, locally produced guidelines should makes this clear.
3 The reference to Music and Art and Design both here and in the following paragraph on the thesis, is added to bring the Code in line with Regulation 22.
4 The outcomes cited here for both PhD and MPhil are taken from the National Qualifications Framework published in its final form by the Quality Assurance Agency in January 2001.
5 See Regulations for admission to degree courses, University Calendar Section IV.