- Degrees shall be awarded by Senate in accordance with Ordinances and Regulations to candidates who have satisfactorily completed an approved course of study in an institution affiliated to the University for the purpose.
- The institutions affiliated to the University are:
The University of Chichester
The University of Winchester1
- The degrees available through the affiliated institutions are:
University of Chichester
Master of Philosophy, MPhil
Doctor of Philosophy, PhD
University of Winchester1
Master of Philosophy, MPhil
Doctor of Philosophy, PhD
1 The University of Winchester was granted research degree awarding powers on 15 August 2008. Research degrees from the University of Southampton will cease to be awarded at the University of Winchester once all students enrolled on programmes leading to the award of the degree of Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Southampton have completed their programmes, withdrawn from candidature, or opted to continue their study on a programme leading to a University of Winchester award. At this point the University of Winchester will be removed from the list of Accredited Institutions of the University of Southampton. (This footnote approved by Senate 12 November 2008.)