University Calendar 2009/10
Section VII : Academic Regulations - Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research

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Assessment Regs
Civil Engineering
Engineering Sciences
ISVR Index
Ocean & Earth Science
School Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
Final Award Master of Engineering (MEng)/Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)
Programme(s) Acoustical Engineering
Last modified June 2009

Reference should be made to the University's General Regulations found in Section IV and Section V (Higher Degree Regulations) of the University Calendar.

Except where the School has been granted an opt-out by the University (see below) the following academic regulations apply in addition to the General Regulations.

1. Admissions
Standard entry requirements based on A levels are ABB including Maths and Physics, the A grade being in either Maths or Physics. Alternative entry criteria are detailed in the University Prospectus.

Applicants are usually required to attend an interview.

2. Structure of Programme(s)
Mode of attendance and duration
The programme is restricted to full-time study only. All students register on the MEng programme. There are four Parts and each part is normally completed in one academic year. There is the option to exit the programme with a BEng degree after successful completion of Part III.

In Parts I and II all modules are compulsory. Parts III and IV comprise a mixture of compulsory and optional modules. Part IV is worth 150 credit points whereas all previous Parts attract 120 credit points each.

The MEng degree normally requires two 10-week industrial placements to be undertaken, one at the end of Part II and Part III.

Students wishing to exit after Part III are advised to make this decision before the end of Part II. BEng students are not required to undertake industrial placements and have fewer compulsory modules in Part III.

Modules are listed in the Programme Specification and full details are given in the Module Specifications which are available on the ISVR Intranet. Module specifications and module availability are subject to annual review.

Modules are classified as at either Higher (6) or Masters (7) level. In Part III, all optional modules are at level 6. In Part IV, at least 60 credit points must be from optional modules at level 7.

Students are normally permitted to attend more modules than required, provided that all modules are taught by the School. Students are not permitted to be examined in more modules than required.

Module preferences are expressed by students and selections are subject to approval by the Programme Organiser.

3. Progression
Students must normally complete each Part successfully before progressing to the next. The University regulations apply for progression. In addition, the following School rules apply:
  1. Under the programme's compensation scheme students are allowed to fail non-core modules worth up to 30 credit points depending on their aggregate mark, as shown in the following table, provided that no module mark is less than the Qualifying Mark of 25%.

    Rounded Aggregate Mark
    Maximum No. of Credit Points failed
    43% - 44%
    45% - 46%
    47% - 49%

  2. There are no core modules (apart from the research project).

  3. The pass mark for progression to Part III of the MEng is an average of 55%.

  4. The pass mark for progression to Part IV of the MEng is 52%.

4. Assessment
Assessment of examinations and coursework is in accordance with University regulations. Assessed coursework should be undertaken and submitted in accordance with procedures detailed in the Programme Handbook.

5. Award of Qualification(s)
The final award is awarded by Senate on the recommendation of the relevant School Board to candidates who have satisfactorily completed an approved course of study and have satisfied the assessment requirements.

Final awards
The award of MEng (Hons) in Acoustical Engineering is available to students who have completed Parts I, II, III and IV satisfactorily. The award of BEng (Hons) in Acoustical Engineering is available to students who have completed Parts I, II and III satisfactorily. Degree classifications are determined in accordance with University regulations.

6. Placements/Study Abroad/Exchange/Fieldwork
Industrial placement
The industrial placements are assessed on a pass/fail basis by the Industrial Liaison Tutor on recommendations from the student’s Personal Tutor and the industrial mentor. Students who fail a work placement will either be required to undertake a new work placement or exit with the award of BEng.

7. Other
These regulations may be revised during the student's period of registration in accordance with the procedures approved by Senate.

Candidates are required to satisfy the academic and attendance requirements of the programme as laid out in the Programme Specification and the Student Handbook for the programme. Those failing to do so may have their course terminated.

Submitted by the Secretariat
Last reviewed: 27-Aug-2009
© University of Southampton