University Calendar 2009/10
Section VII : Academic Regulations - Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
School of Chemistry

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Assessment Regs
Chemistry Index
Civil Engineering
Engineering Sciences
Ocean & Earth Science
School School of Chemistry
Final Award Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Programme(s) BSc Chemistry
BSc Chemistry with Medicinal Sciences
BSc Chemistry with Ocean and Earth Sciences (last admission in 2007)
Last modified July 2009

Reference should be made to the University's General Regulations found in Section IV and Section V (Higher Degree Regulations) of the University Calendar.

Except where the School has been granted an opt-out by the University (see below) the following academic regulations apply in addition to the General Regulations.

1. Admissions
Admissions requirements will be as stated in Section IV of the Calendar (General Regulations), the programme specification and the University Prospectus.

2. Structure of Programme(s)
The degree is available for full time study, with the normal duration being a period of three years. Refer to the Programme Specifications and the School of Chemistry website for further details on study modules (core, compulsory, and optional), curriculum content and assessment.

BSc Chemistry
In each year students will be required to study core modules and a selection of approved optional modules to give a minimum of 60ECTS (120CP) of study. In each of the first two years there are six modules in chemistry (core, 45 ECTS, 90CP) and two approved optional modules (15ECTS, 30CP) that may be taken in subjects that are academically and/ or professionally related to Chemistry. The third year offers a mixture of core and optional modules entirely in the field of chemistry and including a 15ECTS (30CP) research experience.

BSc Chemistry with Medicinal Sciences
BSc Chemistry with Ocean and Earth Sciences (last admission in 2007)
The programme in the first two years is as described for BSc Chemistry (see above) except that the two optional modules in each year are replaced by core modules (15ECTS, 30CP) in the ‘with’ subject. The third year includes advanced studies in chemistry (45 ECTS, 90CP including the same research opportunities described above) alongside advanced studies in the ‘with’ subject.

3. Progression
The detailed rules governing academic progression on, and transfer between, degrees are as indicated in the University Calendar Section IV and in the Progression Rules and Transfer Opportunities information on the School of Chemistry website.

In addition, any module that contains an assessed laboratory component and theoretical studies (for example lecture based) has the requirement that the module is passed as a whole and that the practical component is passed, both at the approved level (normally 40%)..

4. Assessment
The performance of candidates will be assessed by the Board of Examiners in accordance with the School's regulations governing examinations for the relevant programme(s) of study. Details of the assessment for individual modules are given in module specifications held on the School of Chemistry website.

5. Award of Qualification(s)
The class of honours awarded is determined by the weighted final average mark in accordance with University regulations.

Exit Awards: in accordance with University Regulations.

6. Placements/Study Abroad/Exchange/Fieldwork
Not applicable.

7. Other
Any other specific requirements for this programme are included in programme regulations.

These regulations may be revised during the student's period of registration in accordance with the procedures approved by Senate.

Candidates are required to satisfy the academic and attendance requirements of the programme as laid out in the Programme Specification and the Student Handbook for the programme. Those failing to do so may have their course terminated.

Submitted by the Secretariat
Last reviewed: 27-Aug-2009
© University of Southampton