Entry Requirements |
1. |
Applicants for admission must hold one of the following academic qualifications: Higher National Certificate in a related topic; 2 A-levels and 5 GCSEs at grade A-C; Technical School Certificate. |
Scheme of Study |
2. |
This programme is governed by the University's General Regulations. |
3. |
The programme is a part-time, work-based programme for people working with guide dogs. |
4. |
The programme is based on a modular structure with 8 units at Certificate level and 8 units at Diploma level. |
5. |
The course is normally of three years' duration. |
Assessment, Classification and Award |
6. |
Candidates will be assessed through course work and by other methods of examination approved by the Board of the School of Psychology. Assessments will cover a range of methods appropriate to the measurement of both academic and clinical skills. |
7. |
Students who fail an assignment at the first attempt (grade of less than 40%) have the opportunity to re-submit their work. Re-submitted work can only be given a maximum grade of 40%. |
8. |
All assignments must be successfully completed for the award of the Diploma. |
9. |
The Diploma may be awarded with Distinction if an average mark of over 70% is achieved over all diploma units. In all other cases, the Diploma will receive an overall grade of pass or fail. |