Academic Regulations 2004/05
School of Social Sciences
Economics and Mathematics (0286)
(Final cohort Year 2 2004/05)
YEAR 2 - 8 course units
Semester I
ECON2003, MATH2011, MATH2001
+ 1 course unit from ECON or MATH list
Semester II
ECON2004, ECON2007
+ 1 course unit from MATH list
+ 1 course unit from ECON2*** or School of Social Sciences, MANG or PSYC lists(excluding MANG2008).
A minimum of 6 MATH and 6 ECON course units (excluding dissertation/project) must be taken over years 2 and 3 combined. A maximum of 2 course units from School of Social Sciences, MANG or PSYC lists (excluding ECON) may be taken in years 2 and 3 combined.
YEAR 3 - 8 course units
Semester I
Semester II
Both Semesters
Dissertation/Project (ECON3023 - double course unit)
Balance of units from ECON3***, MATH, School of Social Sciences, MANG or PSYC lists
A minimum of 6 MATH and 6 ECON course units (excluding dissertation/project) must be taken over years 2 and 3 combined. A maximum of 2 course units from School of Social Sciences, MANG or PSYC lists (excluding ECON) may be taken in years 2 and 3 combined.