1.1 | that their performance has been adversely affected by illness or by other factors which, in exceptional circumstances, they were unable or, for valid reason, unwilling to divulge to the Board of Examiners or School Board before it reached its decision; |
1.2 | that there had been a material administrative error in the conduct of the examination; |
1.3 | that the examination had not been conducted in accordance with the appropriate regulations of that programme; |
1.4 | that some other material irregularity had occurred; |
1.5 | that, in reaching its decision, the Board of Examiners or School Board had erroneously concluded that they had cheated or plagiarised or attempted to gain an unfair advantage in an element of work submitted for a degree; |
1.6 | that the supervision of their project or external placement was unsatisfactory to the point that their performance was seriously affected. |
4.1 | the date, time and place of the meeting; |
4.2 | the members constituting the Panel on this occasion; |
4.3 | that the sutdent is entitled either to have the case heard without attending or being represented; or to attend in person, alone or accompanied by any other member of the University willing to assist in this way; or to be represented in his/her absence by such a person; and that it is in the student's own interests to be so accompanied or represented. |
8.1 | The Chair will welcome the student, introduce those present and explain their roles and the procedure to be adopted, and indicate the various options that are open to the Panel. |
8.2 | The Chair will then invite the School to set out the facts and chronology of the matter, outlining its case. |
8.3 | The Panel will then question the School's representative. |
8.4 | The Chair will then invite the student to present their case and to make any comment upon the School's introduction. |
8.5 | The Chair will then invite the Chair of the Board of Examiners, or another colleague designated to speak on behalf of the School who is in attendance, to add any further comment. |
8.6 | The Panel will then question the student. |
8.7 | Finally, the Chair will give the student the opportunity to raise any further points. |
9.1 | uphold the student's case and request the Board of Examiners or School Board to amend its recommendation(s) after consultation with the External Examiner; |
9.2 | dismiss the case but request a change in the procedures of the School or the Board of Examiners or the School Board; |
9.3 | dismiss the case if the grounds are unsubstantiated or if the substance of the case would not have affected the recommendation of the Board of Examiners or School Board, or the decision of Senate. |
11.1 | that they possess fresh evidence not available at the time of the Review Panel, or that they possess evidence that, for reasons that must be explained, they were unwilling to divulge at the time of the Review; |
11.2 | that there had been a material administrative or procedural error in the conduct of the Review Panel. |
14.1 | the date, time and place of the meeting; |
14.2 | the members constituting the Committee on this occasion; |
14.3 | that the appellant is entitled either to attend in person, alone or accompanied by his/her Tutor or by any other member of the University willing to assist in this way, or a representative of the student's Trade Union or professional organisation, or a legally qualified person, or be represented in his/her absence by such a person; and that it is in the appelant's own interests to be so accompanied or represented; |
14.4 | that the Committee reserves the right to take legal advice on its own behalf and, if the appellant elects to be accompanied or represented by a legally qualified person, it may also invite its legal adviser to be present at the hearing. |
21.1 | The Committee may dismiss the appeal but may request that the Board of Examiners or the School concerned should consider changing its procedures. |
21.2 | Where the appeal is against termination of the course, the Committee may uphold the student's appeal and withdraw the decision of Senate that the student's course be terminated on academic grounds. The Committee may make recommendations concerning the repetition of a course or of part of a course, taking into account the Schools' regulations. The Committee may also recommend that the School shall be responsible for meeting the cost of any tuition fees for which the student may be liable. |
21.3 | The Committee may dismiss the appeal if the grounds are unsubstantiated or if, in the case of alleged fresh evidence, it would not have affected the decision of the Board of Examiners or School Review Panel. |
21.4 | Where the appeal is against a decision or recommendation of the School Review Panel, the Committee may: 21.4.1 request the School Board concerned to amend its recommendation after consultation with the External Examiner in cases where amendment to an award is recommended, information which the Committee shall have communicated in writing to the Board; 21.4.2 declare that the relevant assessment(s) be declared null and void and request the School Board to permit the student to undertake the relevant reassessment(s) without paying the normal resit fees; 21.4.3 dismiss the appeal but may request that the Board of Examiners or the School concerned should consider changing tis procedures. |