Academic Regulations 2003/4:
School of Geography

BSc/BA Geography

1. Programme requirements

A-level: Geography; two other subjects. For subjects other than Geography, two AS-level passes will be regarded as equivalent to one A-level in most circumstances.

GCSE/O-level: English Language; a pass in a modern language other than English is also desirable.

2. Core and compulsory units (core units in bold)

First year: GEOG1001; GEOG1002; GEOG1003; GEOG1004; GEOG1006; GEOG1007; one from GEOG1005 (for those students without Maths A-Level) or STAT1003 or MATH1003
Second year: one from GEOG2004 or GEOG2009; one from GEOG2002 or GEOG2008: BA take a further five GEOG units, BSc take a further four GEOG units
Third year: GEOG3018; minimum of four GEOG3 units

3. Fieldwork requirements

  1. All candidates are required to successfully complete a UK-based residential field course in the Easter vacation of the first year.
  2. All candidates will have the option of selecting a unit which includes an advanced residential field course during the third year.


Geography with Geology

1. Programme requirements

A-level: either (i) three science A-levels, one of which must be Geography; or (ii) passes in Geography and one other science subject, plus two AS-level passes in science (or one science and one modern language).

2. Core and compulsory units (core units in bold)

First year: GEOG1001; GEOG1002; GEOG1006; GEOG1007; SOES1008; SOES1002; one from GEOG1005 (for those students without Maths A-level) or STAT1003 or MATH1003
Second year: GEOG2009; GEOG2002; SOES2013; one approved unit of Geology
Third year: GEOG3018; three approved units of Geography; two approved units of Geology

3. Fieldwork requirements

  1. All candidates are required to successfully complete a UK-based residential field course in Geography during the Easter vacation of the first year.
  2. All candidates are required to undertake prescribed within-term fieldwork in Geology.


Geography with Oceanography

1. Programme requirements

A-level: either (i) three science A-levels, one of which must be Geography; or (ii) passes in two A-levels (in Geography and one other science subject) and two AS-levels (in science subjects, or in one science and one modern language).

2. Core and compulsory units (core units in bold)

First year: GEOG1001; GEOG1002; GEOG1006; GEOG1007; SOES1008; one other unit of Oceanography; one from GEOG1005 (for those students without Maths A-level) or STAT1003 or MATH1003
Second year: GEOG2001; GEOG2002; GEOG2009; SOES2009; one other approved unit of Oceanography
Third year: GEOG3018; three approved units of Geography; SOES3016 and one other approved unit of Oceanography

3. Fieldwork requirements

All candidates are required to successfully complete a UK-based residential field course in Geography during the Easter vacation of the first year.