Affiliated Institutions
- Degrees, diplomas and certificates shall be awarded by Senate in accordance with Ordinances and Regulations to candidates who have satisfactorily completed an approved course of study in an institution affiliated to the University for the purpose.
- The institutions affiliated to the University are:
University College Chichester (for research degrees only)
King Alfred's College, Winchester
- The degrees, diplomas and certificates of the University available through the affiliated institutions are:
University College Chichester
Master of Philosophy, MPhil
Doctor of Philosophy, PhD
King Alfred's College, Winchester
Foundation Degree, FdA
Foundation Degree in Arts, FdA
Bachelor of Arts, BA
Bachelor of Science, BSc
Bachelor of Theology, BTh
Master of Arts, MA
Master of Science, MSc
Diploma/Certificate of Higher Education, DipHE/CertHE
Diploma/Certificate in Advanced Educational Studies, DAES/CAES
Postgraduate Certificate in Education, PGCE
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education, PGCert
Master of Arts in Education, MA(Ed)
Postgraduate Diploma, PGDip
Master of Philosophy, MPhil
Doctor of Philosophy, PhD