BSc (Hons) Human Sciences

Level 1
Students are required to study 8 units as follows:

  1. Students must choose the following 3 compulsory units: 
    JN100 Humanity at Risk
    JR100 Understanding Human Cultures
    IQ105 Social Statistics. 

  2. Students must choose at least 1 unit from the following: 
    IA100 Exploring Other Cultures
    IA101 An Anthropological view of Europe: Diversification or Unification 

  3. Students must choose at least 3 and a maximum of 4 units from the following:
    IP103 The Making of Psychology
    IP104 Psychological Perspectives on Contemporary Issues 
    IQ101 Social Divisions in Modern Society
    IQ*** Social Thought in Context
    JG103 Docks to Downs – Southampton and its Region
    JK151 Theory, Practice & Social Context in Archaeology
    JL100 Stages of Life
Level 2
Students are required to study 8 units as follows:
  1. Students must choose the following 4 compulsory units:
    IA203 Social Anthropology
    IA205 People, Place and Society
    IQ211 Methods of Social Analysis
    IQ212 Research Skills 

  2. Students must choose at least 1 unit from the following: 
    IA200 Cosmology, Ritual and Belief
    IA201 Culture, Communication & Cognition

  3. Students must choose either 2 or 3 units from the following: 
    IP203 Psychological development in childhood and adolescence
    IP205 The Individual in Society
    JF202 Human Physiology
    JG207 Studying Place: The Gambia*
    JN200 Human Impacts on the Environment
*This is a residential field trip and will incur an additional charge of approx. £460 plus spending money.  It will need a minimum of 12 students to be viable.

Level 3**
Students are required to study 8 units as follows:

  1. Students must choose the following 3 compulsory units: 
    JN300 Globalisation and the Future of Humanity
    JN399 Dissertation (Double Unit) 

  2. Students must choose 1 and may select both of the following units: 
    JF300 Common Diseases (Pre-requisite JF202) 
    JN301 Sustainability & the Environment

  3. Students must choose 3 or 4 of the following units: 
    IA300 Issues in the Transmission of Culture 
    IA301 Sexuality & Intimacy 
    IA303 Anthropology, Film & Representations of The Other
    IP302 Psychological Studies & Education
    IP303 Disordered Psychological Processes
    JE301 Pollution Studies
    JE302 Conservation & Habitat Management
    JF301 Biological Basis of Behaviour (Pre-requisite JF202) 
    JF302 Biotechnology (Pre-requisite JF203) 
    JG300 Urban & Regional Planning
    JG304 Global Resource Management
**NB  With effect from 2002/3, Level 3 regulations will comply with the revised Human Sciences Programme revalidated (& delivered for the first time at Level 1) in 2000/1