Students following the Management Sciences with a modern language programme (French, German or Spanish) (last entry 1999) will take the following units:
Year 3
Students who have passed Level 5 of the relevant language option may choose to go abroad
when the following will apply:
- Semester one:
- to be spent in an appropriate country under the SOCRATES programme.
- Semester two
- Language unit (Level 6), 3 units from AM302, AM308, AM312 AM318, AM322, ST304, dissertation/project (AM398/99 - 2 units)
For students who have not reached Level 5 of the relevant language or who choose not to go abroad, the
following will apply:
- Either semester:
- Language unit (Level 5 or 6), 4 units from AM302, AM308, AM311, AM312, AM315, AM319, AM322, AM327, AM328, AM329, AM331, SS361, ST304 (MS list). Dissertation/project (AM399/98 - 2 units) or Contemporary Problems Dissertation (AM390 1 unit) plus one option from the MS list.