for Postgraduate MSc, PG Diploma and PG Certificate courses in the School
of Health Professions and Rehabilitation Sciences (SOHPRS)
Rehabilitation Science
Management of Childhood Disability
Management of Diabetes
Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Mental Health Studies (PG Cert)
University General Regulations for the Postgraduate degrees of Master
of Science by taught course will apply. In addition:
Candidates must satisfy the Regulations for Admission to Degree Courses
as specified in Section IV of the General Regulations. In addition, the
normal requirement for entry to the course will be a relevant first degree
or professional qualification. Candidates may offer M-level CATS from other
courses within the University of Southampton as APL. Acceptance will be
at the discretion of the Course Director. Candidates satisfying the entry
requirements may be admitted provided they are accepted by the Head of
School and the Board of the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Biological
Sciences. Candidates for whom English is not their first language will
be required to show competence in the use of English.
Candidates will be registered for either the degree of Master of Science
(MSc) or the postgraduate diploma (PG Dip) or the Postgraduate Certificate
(PG Cert) of the University of Southampton.
The taught PG Certificate will comprise three taught Modules including
one core module and one optional module; the PG Diploma will comprise six
taught modules including one core double module, two compulsory research
methods modules and two optional modules. Candidates for the degree of
MSc will be required to complete a research project in addition to the
six taught modules as described for the PG Diploma. Each module and the
dissertation will attract the appropriate credit rating at level HE4.
The Diploma course and MSc course will be Full-time or Part-time study.
The Full-time course shall be completed in a minimum of 15 months and the
Part-time course in a minimum of 21 months Maximum period of candidature
will be six years. The course will include lectures, coursework, practical
work and individual projects.
All components of the courses will be assessed, during and/or at the end
of the period of study. These components will include coursework (including
reports of practical work, clinical portfolio, written assignments and
presentation or viva voce) and the dissertation for MSc candidates. Credits
will be awarded for successfully completed modules. A candidate who fails
to satisfy examiners may on one subsequent occasion, with the permission
of the Faculty Board, re-submit a piece of course work.
A candidate who fails to submit an assignment on the due date may, at the
discretion of the module co-ordinator or postgraduate co-ordinator, be
granted an extension. A two-week extension may be granted by the module
co-ordinator, a four-week extension with the permission of the postgraduate
co-ordinator. Candidates who fail to submit by the agreed re-submission
date will be deemed to have failed the assignment.
Candidates may be required to attend an oral examination.
PG Certificate candidates will be required to complete three instructional
modules satisfactorily. Candidates who satisfy the Examiners in the three
modules will, subject to the approval of Senate, be eligible for the award
of the PG Certificate of the University of Southampton.
PG Diploma candidates will be required to complete six instructional modules
satisfactorily. Candidates who satisfy the Examiners in the six modules
will, subject to the approval of Senate, be eligible for the award of the
PG Diploma of the University of Southampton.
MSc candidates will be required to complete six instructional modules satisfactorily
and satisfy the Examiners in the dissertation. A candidate whose dissertation
satisfies the Examiners will forego the award of Diploma, and will, subject
to the approval of Senate, be awarded the degree of Master of Science.
Candidates whose dissertation satisfies the examiners that it is of an
exceptionally high standard will, subject to the approval of Senate, be
awarded the MSc with Distinction.
A candidate who fails to satisfy the Examiners in the dissertation may
be awarded the Postgraduate Diploma (PG Dip). Alternatively they will be
permitted, on one subsequent occasion, to re-submit the dissertation in
a form and by a date prescribed by the Faculty Board.
Candidates who fail to submit their dissertation by December 1st of the
second year of study (Full-time) or December 1st of the third year of study
(Part-time) may be granted an extension of six months by the postgraduate
co-ordinator. Any further extension must be agreed by the Faculty Board.